Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Daily Scripture & Questions
Romans 6-7 The apostle wrestles with the false implications of what some might suggest come out of the gospel truths that he has presented so far.  Wouldn't the gospel of grace lead people to continue on in their sin (6:1)?  Chapter six makes clear that a Christian's union with Christ by faith into His death, as portrayed in baptism, has so changed his status that sin will no longer have dominion over him.  This doesn't mean that Christians never sin but that they will not be ruled by sin any longer.  Romans 7:6 presents, in summary, the contrast of Romans 7 compared to Romans 8.  Romans 7 shows us that the Law can't make us right with God because it doesn't change our sinful status.  Rather, the Law exposes sin for what it is (7:13).  There is much debate whether Romans 7:13-25 refers to a believer’s or an unbeliever's struggle.  The lack any the mention of the Spirit and the strong references to being "sold under sin" and "captive to the law of sin" support that this is referring to someone who is not yet born again.  As believers, we can experience a similar wretched struggle when we don't apply Romans 6:11, and instead live like the people we used to be.

Family Devotions—Scripture & Questions
Romans 6:1-14. Why shouldn't the true Christian keep on sinning? Of what is water baptism a picture? We have died to sin when we trusted Christ, but what must we do every day (6:11-13)? Have you trusted in Jesus' work on the cross for your salvation? Have you been publicly baptized, giving you a clear point to look back on when you made a break from sin into the new life Jesus offers?

Biblical Prayer Focus
Psalm 131:1-2  O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me.  But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.

Give the Lord worship by quieting your soul and choosing to spend a few minutes of just calmly sitting and enjoying His perfect, parental love.
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